


Hornet is not well-known trademark, but it becomes known for me so I don't see why I can't tell a few words about it.

I found one modem Hornet Spirit II in visits to our clients. This modem has the very non-standard command set, most significant commands are:
I7 - get internal help.
I8 - display S-registers map.
*O - display internal profile.
It must be enough complete information to re-build the init-string by hand.

I can't be sure in this init-string 'cause it was rewritten again far from origin.
AT&FP&R*E10*M2*Q2S7=120S10=30 OK
*E - link negotiation mode (reliable V.42bis with detection phase).
*M - connect result code form (DCE speed and EC/xxxx).
*Q - bad quality line action (adaptive retrain).

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